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Session A3

Stream A
Saturday, May 17, 2025
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Psychological impacts and suggested interventions for people living with Long COVID | Dr Kerrie Clarke (60 mins)


Dr Kerrie Clarke

Psychological impacts and suggested interventions for people living with Long Covid

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Around one in ten people who contract Covid-19 report ‘Long Covid’, which is the experience of persistent symptoms three months post-infection (1). People with Long Covid experience a range of physical, psychological and social impacts of their illness (2). There are high rates of distress, as well as high rates of anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance and PTSD symptomatology amongst this population (3). Psychological impacts include health related anxiety around reinfection and Long Covid relapse, managing the uncertainty of the illness progression, grief associated with a pre-Covid identity and feelings of no longer meaningfully contributing to social roles or society (4).
Long Covid is not a psychological condition, and there are no known interventions to cure the condition. It is imperative for psychologists to understand the psychological impacts of Long Covid and support people to develop psychological strategies to help in navigating everyday life with Long Covid. Recent research has found that the significant psychosocial impact experienced by those with Long Covid can be alleviated by increasing self-compassion and psychological flexibility during recovery (5). This research builds on similar findings for other chronic health conditions, such as fibromyalgia (6).
This workshop will present current research and understandings of the psychological impacts of Long Covid and the common coping strategies employed by people living with Long Covid. The workshop will introduce a range of psychological interventions that may increase self-compassion and psychological flexibility for people living with Long Covid. The workshop will include theoretical understandings, as well as experiential exercises, group discussions and application of learning to practice examples.


Dr. Kerrie Clarke is a Clinical Psychologist with over 15 years of experience in the public mental health sector in Victoria. She has worked in a diverse range of generic and discipline-specific roles across multiple areas of mental health services. Her therapeutic approaches include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Compassion-focused therapies. She is currently employed as a Psychology Educator in public mental health. She worked in 2022 at the Austin Health Long Covid Clinic (ReCOVery Clinic).