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Session E3

Stream E
Saturday, May 17, 2025
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


- Bridging the Gap with AI: Revolutionising Mental Health Care Through Digital Innovation | Sally-Anne McCormack, Keira McDonald (30 mins) - Maximizing Psychotherapy Impact Using Neury®: A Neurocognitive Skills-Based Measured Training Via MobileApp | Dr Stephen Wolfson (30 mins)


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Sally-Anne McCormack

Bridging the Gap with AI: Revolutionising Mental Health Care Through Digital Innovation

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM


The escalating need for accessible, and effective mental health care has been accentuated by global crises. These circumstances have highlighted the importance for digital and artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled services to substantially enhance the accessibility of mental health services, mitigate stigma, and improve patient outcomes. ANTSA, a pioneering digital program, seeks to revolutionise mental health care by combining professional mental health expertise with cutting-edge technology, thus narrowing the gap between individuals requiring mental health support and the available services.
Examining the literature from the World Health Organisation and the Australian Psychological Society reveals a marked demand for globally accessible and cost-effective mental health treatment. The integration of AI within mental health care offers personalised support, predictive analytics to gauge intervention success, and streamlined resource access, directly addressing these critical deficiencies. Platforms like ANTSA epitomise the potential for future global mental health interventions, that are innovative, stigma-free, and comprehensive mental health solutions that are available at any time they are needed. In essence, the adoption of AI and digital platforms in mental health care signifies a crucial step towards devising empathetic, scalable strategies to surmount existing barriers in the mental health field, ensuring that mental health support becomes universally accessible, irrespective of socioeconomic factors.


Sally-Anne McCormack is a renowned clinical psychologist, founder of the mental health platform ANTSA, and an accomplished author. She treats clients across the lifespan using a client-centred approach with therapies like CBT, empowerment, and humanistic methods. Sally-Anne founded ANTSA to revolutionise mental health care, integrating the AI therapist chatbot jAImee, which provides continuous client support and mood tracking, overseen by practitioners. This innovation was inspired by her late daughter, Jaimee. Recognised internationally, Sally-Anne received the 'Woman in Science, Tech & Engineering' award in 2024. Residing in Victoria, Australia, she balances her professional achievements with a deep commitment to her family. Her work, combining clinical expertise with technological advancements, continues to shape the future of mental health care.
Ms Kiera Macdonald

Bridging the Gap with AI: Revolutionising Mental Health Care Through Digital Innovation

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM


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Doctor Stephen Wolfson

Maximizing Psychotherapy Impact Using Neury®: A Neurocognitive Skills-Based Measured Training Via MobileApp

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Neurocognitive skills training has emerged as a broad multi model transdiagnostic intervention to address not only organic based functional loss but psychiatric symptoms and physiological rehabilitation. Along with evidence-based intervention, data and feedback informed treatment, this encompassing approach aligns all modalities under one neuroscientific perspective.

This interactive workshop will introduce The NeuroCog® System of neurocognitive training developed by Dr. Stephen Wolfson PhD based on his 25 years of clinical research and practice. Attendees will learn how to apply continuous affect data measure acquired by the Neury® mobile app to a variety of problems and case formulations within multiple modalities including CBT, DBT, ACT, EMDR, psychodynamic, and schema psychotherapy.

An overview of the theoretical and experimental foundations of neurocognitive training will be shared and discussed based on The NeuroCog® System Manual, to be distributed in an eBook format prior to the workshop.


Stephen collaborates with clients using effective neurocognitive techniques. Clients increase awareness and see how thoughts, feelings and physical sensations interfere with personal goals. They learn new skills to increase self-control, feel better about themselves, their relationships and their life overall. Progress is tracked through the free Neurocog mobile app with powerful exercises to improve their neurocognitive skills between sessions. Stephen founded Neurocog and developed the Neurocog System based on his clinical experience and neurodevelopmental research. He was educated and trained in Los Angeles at UCLA, USC, Antioch University, the Southern California Psychoanalytic Institute, and Fielding Graduate University until moving to Australasia in 2015 to earn his PhD in computational cognitive neuroscience at Auckland University in New Zealand. He has registrations in the US, New Zealand and Australia and has worked in private and government agencies providing assessments and treatment for over 20 years.