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Session A5

Stream A
Saturday, May 17, 2025
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM


- Neuropsychologically informed interventions in Primary Progressive Aphasia | Dr Sharon Savage (30 mins) - Advancing grief treatment: Results from a wait-list controlled trial of IADC Therapy | Dr Tom Nehmy, John Daniels (30 mins)


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Dr Sharon Savage
The University Of Newcastle

Neuropsychologically informed interventions in Primary Progressive Aphasia

1:45 PM - 2:15 PM


Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a form of young onset dementia wherein language abilities are primarily impacted. There are three main recognised forms, each presenting with different language symptoms and neuropsychological profile.
The aim of this session is to provide a highly practical series of recommendations and guidelines for psychologists regarding how to structure interventions that assist people living with different forms of PPA by considering their broader neuropsychological profile.
An outline of word retrieval interventions will be discussed, with a specific focus on how to tailor stimuli and practices to enhance maintenance and retention of spoken vocabulary. In addition, education and support programs which aim to improve quality of life in people living with PPA will be discussed, including approaches both for individuals and for groups. The differing impacts of the three clinical phenotypes, at various levels of progression will be considered.
The goal of the session is to provide a summary of current evidence-based practice, practical steps to formulate effective, tailored treatment approaches and advice to provide families who support people with PPA.


Dr Sharon Savage is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychological Sciences, at the University of Newcastle. Her research focuses on ageing, dementia and cognitive rehabilitation, with a particular interest in the semantic variant of Primary Progressive Aphasia. Sharon has over 17 years of clinical research experience in Primary Progressive Aphasia and completed her PhD studies investigating assessment and customised interventions to treat language difficulties in people with Primary Progressive Aphasia.
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Dr Tom Nehmy
University of Adelaide

Advancing grief treatment: Results from a wait-list controlled trial of IADC Therapy.

2:15 PM - 2:45 PM


Grief is a ubiquitous human experience that carries significant psychological impacts. However, traditional approaches to grief therapy may be ineffective when routinely offered to bereaved people (Neimeyer, 2016). Up to 10% of grieving individuals experience prolonged or ‘complicated’ grief with commensurate impairment in functioning and quality of life (Lundorff et al., 2017). The need for more effective approaches to assist grieving individuals is both a public health challenge and opportunity.

Early evidence suggests Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Therapy may be superior to traditional grief counselling (Holden et al, in press). It is also more brief than standard EMDR protocols. The present study sought to build on Holden and colleagues’ (in press) work evaluating IADC Therapy, a very brief treatment protocol derived from eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR). We present the promising results of our waitlist-controlled trial evaluating the IADC protocol (2 x 90-minute therapy sessions) on individuals (n = 43) seeking assistance for the sadness and symptoms associated with grief, including an analysis of predictors of treatment response. Attendees will learn about IADC Therapy's history, current status, and its potential to advance grief therapy with significant public health benefits.


Dr Tom Nehmy is a clinical psychologist with 20 years' experience, specialising in preventing psychological problems and IADC Therapy for grief. His doctoral research produced the Healthy Minds program, preventing the onset of symptoms of depression and anxiety while also reducing risk for eating disorders. He was subsequently awarded the 2015 Flinders University Vice-Chancellor's Prize for Doctoral Thesis Excellence. Dr Nehmy works with companies, schools and organisations to build psychological skills for mental health and resilience. He also provides IADC Therapy for grief in his virtual private practice, serving clients globally. A Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide, he has coauthored ten peer-reviewed scientific articles and authored the book "Apples for the Mind." Dr Nehmy is a prolific public speaker, having presented to over 50,000 people across Australia and overseas. His work has been featured in various media outlets, including ABC Radio and the Sydney Morning Herald.
Mr John Daniels

Advancing grief treatment: Results from a wait-list controlled trial of IADC Therapy.

2:15 PM - 2:45 PM

