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Session A2

Stream A
Friday, May 16, 2025
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM


Working with Collective and Transpersonal Trauma: Dilemmas and Approaches | Dr Peter Streker (60 mins)


Dr Peter Streker

Working with Collective and Transpersonal Trauma: Dilemmas and Approaches

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM


Join us for a sensitive group discussion about approaches used to work with trauma that transcends individuals. This forum will encourage participants to learn from each other about how they, other psychologists and allies work with intergenerational, transgenerational, collective, cultural and historical trauma and grapple with some of the dilemmas and conundrums that present, such as:
• What models are used to address different types of collective and transpersonal trauma (e.g., work focused on colonisation, oppression, intergenerational trauma, event-specific trauma, refugee and asylum seeker-based trauma)?
• What assumptions underpin the work?
• How does concept creep show up in this work?
• Can this be treated individually, or must it be conducted in groups?
• How are variations in individual responses catered for?
• How do we assess the quality of the work?
• Who should pay for the work?
• How does identity shape the work and position the participants?
• Can psychology become part of the problem?
• What can psychologists learn from others?
• What role do allies play?
• What does healing look like?


Dr Peter Streker is a community psychologist who has more than 25 years expereince working on topics such as family violence, prevention of violence against women, anti-racism, homelessness, drugs and alcohol, street sex work and community building. Peter currently manages a workload that combines therapeutic work with training, supervision and projects that work on large scale social change. He is also working with others to explore how new technologies, such as Virtual Reality can be used to reduce violence. Peter completed his PhD on psychological and emotional abuse and has trained thousands of professionals working with complex trauma through the Blue Knot Foundation. Peter is a member of the APS National College of Community Psychology, a Senior Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne and Adjunct Fellow, College of Sport, Health and Engineering at Victoria University.