Track A | Ball Room 1 (recorded for In-person & digital)
Track B | Ballroom 2 (recorded for In-person & digital)
Track C | Ballroom 3
Track D (Wattle Level 2)
Track E (Cassia Level 1)
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM |
Day 2 I Registration open
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM |
Day 2 Opening plenary I Beyond Nudges: Organisational Psychology's Impact at the C-Suite and Board Level Rob Newman, Ashley Wright, Jan Sipsma, Elizabeth Arzadon, Tracy Martin, Louise McElvogue
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Day 2 I Morning tea
Concurrent 6 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |
D2 A1 (30min pres) Beyond Burnout: Moving Organisations Towards Workplace Sustainability
(John Chan)
D2 B1 (60 min panel) Organisational Psychologists as Company Directors – insights and learnings from the boardroom (Rob Newman, Claire Swyny, Anna Dawson, Francie Doolan, Draga Jevtic, Jon Wilson)
D2 C1 (30min pres) Why do Task I-Deals Enhance Women’s Mental Health?
(Aleksandra Luksyte, Joseph Carpini)
D2 D1 (2.5h workshop) Using psychology to put a dent in the business universe
(Greg Nathan)
D2 E1 (2.5h workshop) Addressing Burnout by Improving Worklife
(Michael Leiter)
Concurrent 7 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM |
D2 A2 (30min pres) Deciphering the Decision-Making Process in the Design of Leadership Development Initiatives
(Darja Kragt, Anisha Chowdhury)
D2 B1 Continued
D2 C2 (30min pres) Development of a Framework for Assessing Organisational Psychology Postgraduate Students on Placement
(Emma-Jane Harrison, Narelle Hess)
D2 D1 l Workshop continued
D2 E1 Workshop continued
11:30 AM - 11:45 AM |
Break | walk talk smile
Concurrent 8 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM |
D2 A3 (15min pres) A dark in the lightness: personality, entitlement, and counterproductive work behaviours.
(Guy Curtis, Ben Paluch)
D2 B2 (15min pres) Mental labour in the workplace: a double-edged sword?
(Emma Stephenson)
D2 C3 (15min pres) Exploring the optimal hybrid working choice for employee wellbeing: a systematic review.
(Paul Lund)
D2 D1 l Workshop continued.
D2 E1 Workshop continued.
Concurrent 9 12:00 PM - 12:15 PM |
D2 A4 (15min pres) Exploring the dark traits and online impression management: research and recruitment implications.
(Emily Rohan)
D2 B3 (15min pres) Are work hour reductions beneficial for mental health?
(Jessica Strudwick)
D2 C4 (15 min pres) Evaluating Australian remote work attitudes across age, gender, supervisory and parental status
(Jenny Bui)
D2 D1 l Workshop continued..
D2 E1 Workshop continued..
Concurrent 10 12:15 PM - 12:30 PM |
D2 A5 (15min pres) In control and calm: emotional intelligence and secondary appraisal on stress reactivity
(Anya Johnson)
D2 B4 (30min pres) Organisational psychology role in regulating and creating mentally healthy workplaces.
(Sam Popple)
D2 C5 (15 min pres) The working from home transition: a learning perspective on work design changes
(Caroline Knight)
D2 D1 l Workshop continued...
D2 E1 Workshop continued...
Concurrent 11 12:30 PM - 12:45 PM |
D2 A6 (15min pres) Personality's role in cultivating PsyCap: developing a PsyCap based assessment for positive transformation.
(Jack Wong)
D2 B4 Continued
D2 C6 (15min pres) Benefits of signalling work location autonomy in job advertisements.
(Lisette Kanse)
D2 D1 l Workshop continued....
D2 E1 Workshop continued....
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM |
Day 2 I Lunch break
Concurrent 12 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM |
D2 A7 (15min pres) From Glass Ceilings to Digital Frontiers: Cultivating Gender Inclusive Cultures in Industry 4.0.
(Chanvi Singh)
D2 B5 (15min pres) The benefits of focus-free (vs focused breathing) work breaks for creativity.
(Nicole Celestine)
D2 C7 (15min pres) NO SESSION
D2 D2 (60 min panel) In Conversation: Sexual Harassment and Positive Duty - from obligation to realisation
(Leanne Faraday-Brash, Christina Hey-Nguyen , Sam Popple , Diya Dey)
D2 E2 (2h workshop) Data-Driven Futures: Transforming Organisational Psychology with Automated Reporting and Instant Feedback
(Ding Wang )
Concurrent 13 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM |
D2 A8 (15min pres) The energy and social dynamics involved in speaking up versus staying silent.
(Stacey Parker, Yiqiong Li)
D2 B6 (15min pres) Cognitive Skill Assessment and Smart Watch Distraction in Simulated Driving Scenarios (Daniel Sturman)
D2 C8 (15min pres) Psychosocial Safety Climate Extended Job Demands-Resources Theory: A multilevel meta-analysis.
(Amy Zadow)
D2 D2 Continued
D2 E2 Workshop continued
Concurrent 14 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM |
D2 A9 (15min pres) An analysis of employee workgroup inclusion behaviours.
(Niamh Dawson)
D2 B7 (15min pres) Perceived stress and psychological withdrawal behaviours in the workplace (Piyachat Sumamal)
D2 C9 (15 min pres) Safety storytelling by leaders: story and presentation attributes that make this effective.
(Patrick Benetti)
D2 D2 Continued.
D2 E2 Workshop continued.
Concurrent 15 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM |
D2 A10 (15min pres) Team level gender diversity and outcomes: understanding the role of an inclusive culture.
(Catherine Leighton, Michelle Kam, Gina Chatellier) *This session will not be recorded*
D2 B8 (15min pres) The dynamics of employee wellbeing: an experience sampling study
(Jeromy Anglim)
D2 C10 (15min pres) Elucidating the heterogeneity and dynamics of stress and strain at work.
(Micah Wilson)
D2 D2 Continued..
D2 E2 Workshop continued..
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM |
Break | sing, clap, skip
Concurrent 16 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM |
D2 A11 (30min pres) Walking on country: Evaluation of engagement-based safety training amongst Australian Indigenous Rangers
(Prudence Millear, Paul Dawson, Graeme Mitchell)
D2 B9 (60min symposium) HPI and HDS configurations: Towards a leadership circumplex for holistic insight
(Xander Van Lill, Lynne Cruickshank)
D2 C11 (15min pres) Reducing job demands through participatory work redesign: a quasi-experimental study.
(Jane Chong)
D2 D3 (60min pres) Navigating loss: Impact of psychological safety on men's attitudes towards gender quotas
(Frances Feenstra / Kathryn Stevenson, Gallian Harris)
D2 E2 Workshop continued...
Concurrent 17 3:15 PM - 3:30 PM |
D2 A11 Continued
D2 B9 Continued
D2 C12 (15min pres). "Why try? How goal focused extrinsic emotion regulation influences co-workers relational outcomes."
(Hannah Kunst)
D2 D3 Continued
D2 E2 Workshop continued....
Concurrent 18 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM |
D2 A12 (15 min pres) The cross-level effects of remote work on performance via (team) motivation (Astrid Lacroix)
D2 B9 Continued.
D2 C13 (15min pres) Exploring the relationship between harassment and wellbeing at work.
(Cheryl Yam)
D2 D3 Continued.
D2 E2 Workshop continued.....
Concurrent 19 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM |
D2 A13 (15min pres) Transforming the acquisition process and culture within the Department of Defence.
(Cassandra Heffernan)
D2 B9 Continued..
D2 C14 (15min pres) Psychological harm in performance management processes: a systematic review and synthesis.
(Kirsten Way)
D2 D3 Continued..
D2 E2 Workshop continued......
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM |
Day 2 I Afternoon tea
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
Day 2A Closing plenary I keynote address Filip Lievens | Talent Assessment in the 21th Century: Progress and Challenges
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM |
Day 2 | Conference dinner (pre-booking required; SOLD OUT)