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Day 2 Opening plenary I Beyond Nudges: Organisational Psychology's Impact at the C-Suite and Board Level

Track A | Ball Room 1 (recorded for In-person & digital)
Track B | Ballroom 2 (recorded for In-person & digital)
Track C | Ballroom 3
Track D (Wattle Level 2)
Track E (Cassia Level 1)
Friday, October 25, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Grand Ballroom


Rob Newman, Ashley Wright, Jan Sipsma, Elizabeth Arzadon, Tracy Martin, Louise McElvogue


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Robert Newman
Organisational Psychologist
Change Focus Group

Beyond Nudges: Organisational Psychology's Impact at the C-Suite and Board Level

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


The rise of behavioral economics and "nudge units" within banks, regulatory bodies, marketing departments, and government agencies has garnered significant attention. While these applications of psychology effectively influence public behaviour, a growing number of organisational psychologists are taking a more direct approach, providing advice, support, and even leadership to the executives and boards that make the decisions shaping our institutions, industries, and markets.

This panel brings together organizational psychologists alongside the CEOs and company directors they collaborate with. Together, they will delve into the profession's profound influence within these centres of power. We will explore how organisational psychologists grow careers beyond the traditional domains, how they work alongside other high-level professionals to shape organisational structures, cultures and performance, and how they extend their scientist-practitioner models to influence leadership, decision making and governance at the big end of town.

Lead Panelist:
Rob Newman MAPS FCOP from Change Focus Group, Brisbane. Rob is an organisational psychologist who has been working with executives and Boards for over 25 years. He designed and delivers the AICDs Boardroom Mastery Program, a 3 day simulation which focuses on director influence, boardroom dynamics and collective decision making.

Ashley Wright – immediate past global former CEO of GHD, Perth – a global, multidisciplinary professional services organisation providing engineering, environmental, and design solutions in energy, water, and infrastructure markets. The company uses the insights provided by organisational psychologists at an executive level to shape its operations and culture for it's 12,000 employees.

Jan Sipsma MAPS FCOP – Executive General Manager, People and Strategy GHD. Currently based in Houston Jan is an organisational psychologist, with extensive consultant and c-suite experience. He also shapes GHD's global operations and culture.

Elizabeth Arzadon MAPS – Managing Director of Kiel Advisory Group, psychologist, and a recognised global expert on the topic of cultural and non-financial people risk in the financial services sector. Her clients include institutions like the US Federal Reserve and regulatory bodies such as Australia's financial authority APRA and our market regulator ASIC.

Dr Tracy Martin MAPS FCOP – Organisational Psychologist, Industry Fellow at the University of Queensland Business School, and a Research Fellow within the Sustainable Infrastructure Research Hub (SIRH). She currently combines research and consulting with a focus on strategic change, board behaviour and a developing interest in the impact of technology change on the design of work for leaders and professionals.

Louise McElvogue – Non-executive director serving on listed, not-for-profit and government boards. Her current key board roles include Australia's national broadcaster the ABC and education technology company Cluey Learning , and the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) NSW Council. Louise came to her board work after a long career as a CEO, advisor and senior executive with responsibility for areas such as strategy, technology, and business growth in both Australia, and international companies.


Rob is an organisational psychologist specialising in board and executive dynamics, leadership and organisational culture. He works as an advisor and coach to senior executives and directors in large organisations across industries as diverse as construction, finance, transport, utilities, resources, and education. Rob is also a faculty member at the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) where he co-facilitates the advanced course in governance, the Boardroom Mastery program.
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Elizabeth Arzadon
Managing Director, Founder
Kiel Advisory Group

Beyond Nudges: Organisational Psychology's Impact at the C-Suite and Board Level

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Elizabeth is an internationally recognised expert on effective governance, corporate culture, and ethical conduct. • Professional qualifications: Master of Psychology (Organisational); Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Hons); Registered Psychologist; Member of the Australian Psychological Society. • More than 25 years’ experience designing and implementing evidence-based methods to assess and monitor behavioural risk in corporate, regulatory and advisory roles. • Global base of corporate clients including HSBC, Macquarie Group, Fidelity, CBA, Allianz, and Suncorp: has led more than 40 behavioural risk audits in Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Americas, and established internal behavioural risk teams in several global firms. • Advisor to a range of regulatory agencies in Australia and Asia: has conducted independent reviews of individual firms and industry-wide practices, and co-designed supervisory methods to assess and monitor cultural drivers of conduct, governance and risk management.
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Jan Sipsma
Chief Strategy & People Officer

Beyond Nudges: Organisational Psychology's Impact at the C-Suite and Board Level

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Jan Sipsma is a registered Organisational Psychologist and currently the Chief Strategy & People Officer for GHD. He has spent his career maximising sustainable value for organisations by leveraging the remarkable asset that is people. Jan’s continued fascination with how to tap into a person’s full capability and inner passions endures. Currently residing in Houston, Texas, Jan has lived in four countries and worked in over 30, appreciating the unique perspectives that this brings.
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Ms Louise McElvogue
Non Executive Director
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

Beyond Nudges: Organisational Psychology's Impact at the C-Suite and Board Level

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Louise McElvogue – Non-executive director serving on listed, not-for-profit and government boards. Her current key board roles include Australia's national broadcaster the ABC and education technology company Cluey Learning , and the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) NSW Council. Louise came to her board work after a long career as a CEO, advisor and senior executive with responsibility for areas such as strategy, technology, and business growth in both Australia, and international companies.
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Dr Tracy Martin
Research Fellow
University Of Queensland

Beyond Nudges: Organisational Psychology's Impact at the C-Suite and Board Level

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Dr Tracy Martin is an Organisational Psychologist and Research Fellow with the Sustainable Infrastructure Research Hub (SIRH) in the UQ Business School. She is the Lead Researcher on a project looking at the impact of digitalisation and sustainability on the work of leaders and engineering professionals in the Infrastructure industry. Her research interests span strategic change, work design and board behaviour. Tracy completed her PhD at UQ, examining how company boards consider issues about people during strategic change. This research was motivated by her 25+ years in the corporate sector, where she has worked initially as a chemical engineer, then a systems analyst and later in organisational development and strategic HR roles. Her industry experience includes mining, chemicals manufacturing, professional services, engineering projects, information technology, media and commercial real estate. Over the last 10 years she has taught courses in human resources, change management and leadership at UQ and other universities and is actively involved in the APS College of Organisational Psychologists at State and National level.
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Ashley Wright
Immediate past global CEO

Beyond Nudges: Organisational Psychology's Impact at the C-Suite and Board Level

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Ashley Wright is the immediate past global CEO of GHD, Perth – a global, multidisciplinary professional services organisation providing engineering, environmental, and design solutions in energy, water, and infrastructure markets. The company uses the insights provided by organisational psychologists at an executive level to shape its operations and culture for it's 12,000 employees.