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D1 A1 (90min panel)

Track A | Ball Room 1 (recorded for In-person & digital)
Thursday, October 24, 2024
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Stream B | Ballroom 2


Research Engagement for Transforming the World of Work: Initiatives and Publication Strategies (Catherine Collins, Babita Bhatt, Juliet Bourke, Karina Jorritsma,)


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Associate Professor Catherine Collins
Associate Professor

Research Engagement for Transforming the World of Work: Initiatives and Publication Strategies

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM




In this panel discussion we will address the question: “How do we engage with transforming the world of work with research initiatives and our publication strategies?” The panel comprises of journal editors/advisors, with those involved with engaged research and large research centres. The first half of the panel discussion will address forms of engagement that academics are involved in that work towards transforming the world of work. Academics do this in a variety of ways (Thomas, & Ambrosini, 2021), including but not limited to: engagement with research translation, such as creation of educational material with short courses and podcasts (e.g., https://www.businessthink.unsw.edu.au/); and engagement with interventions that change practice with the co-design of tools /practices/ policies (Parker & Jorritsma, 2021), and research innovation sprints with faculty and higher degree research students (Bongiovanni, Townson, & Kowalkiewicz, 2023). In the second half of the panel discussion, we will explore how journals publish engaged research. Some journals have specialist article sections such as practitioner corners, opinion articles co-authored by practitioners and academics, and registered reports to test policy questions (e.g., Jackson, 2022), and others have the core mission focused on engagement to transform the world of work (e.g., Harvard Business Review; Bourke, & Espedido, 2019) and/or policy (e.g., Academy of Management Perspectives). The panel will provide specific exemplars of their work now and pose questions to the audience (Q&A and polling with Slido) to create an interactive discussion. Collectively we will address ‘how can we transform the world of work more effectively in the future?’

Panellists include:
1. Catherine Collins, Associate Professor at UNSW, Deputy Editor at Australian Journal of Management, Chief Investigator on ARC Industry Transformation Training Centre
2. Babita Bhatt, Senior Lecturer at ANU, incoming Associate Editor for Academy of Management Perspectives, worked in numerous research centres including United Nation Research Institute for Social Development
3. Juliet Bourke, Professor of Practice at UNSW, Advisory Council Member for Harvard Business Review, host of podcast ‘Business of’ and prior Human Capital partner at Deloitte Australia
4. Karina Jorritsma, Professor of Practice at Curtin University, Lead of the Thrive at Work initiative at Future of Work Institute, and thought leader creating multiple, mutually reinforcing positive pathways to transform the world of work
5.Marek Kowalkiewicz, Professor and Chair in Digital Economy at QUT, listed among the Top 100 Global Thought Leaders in Artificial Intelligence by thinkers360, and initiated 30-day research innovation sprint process for academic context

Learning outcomes

1. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of current engagement strategies that seek to transform the world of work via translating research and/or change practice with the co-design of tools, practices, and policies.

2. Understand different publishing formats for engaged research.

3. Collectively create strategies for how can we transform the world of work more effectively in the future.


Catherine researches how to develop and sustain team effectiveness. She examines how these changes are created from individuals’ proactivity, team processes, work design, organisational structures and systems. Her recent work focuses on how organisational ambidexterity – balancing the tension of coordination across business units for efficiency alongside front line flexibility for innovation and engagement – is needed for teams to thrive. Other research interests include seeking to understand why managers do (or don’t!) use research findings (i.e., evidence-based management) as well as employee well-being. Her applied research in organisations has attracted more than $1M of research funding and is published in top tier journals. Catherine is currently a Deputy Editor for the Australian Journal of Management.
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Dr Babita Bhatt

Research Engagement for Transforming the World of Work: Initiatives and Publication Strategies

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Babita Bhatt is a senior lecturer at the Research School of Management, Australian National University (Australia). Her research examines the role of social enterprises and place-based community organizing in addressing societal challenges. Particularly, she has explored how social change initiatives navigate power asymmetries and ethical complexity in resource constraints and marginalized social contexts. Her research has been published in leading outlets, including the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, and Organization Science. Babita is currently serving as a co-guest editor at the Information System Journal and Business & Society on special issues related to polarization and the sharing economy at the base of the pyramid. She is also Associate editor of Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP).
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Prof Juliet Bourke

Research Engagement for Transforming the World of Work: Initiatives and Publication Strategies

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Dr Juliet Bourke is a Professor of Practice in the Business School at UNSW, as well as a global workplace advisor and board member. In February she was appointed as the inaugural Independent Chair of the NSW Parliamentary Advisory Group on Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Serious Misconduct, and she is a board member, and Chair of the Culture and Remuneration Committee, of Ovarian Cancer Australia. Formerly a partner in Human Capital at Deloitte, Juliet is well known for her research on workplace culture and leadership, has regularly published in the Harvard Business Review and spoken at TEDx. She has received numerous global awards, including from the AFR as one of Australia’s Top 100 Women of Influence, by US based Engagedly Inc as a Top 100 Global HR Influencer in 2021 and 2022, and by UK based Inspiring Workplaces as a Top 101 Engagement Influencer in 2023 and 2024. Her most recent book is entitled “Which two heads are better than one? The extraordinary power of diversity of thinking and inclusive leadership” (AICD, 2nd Ed).
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Professor Karina Jorritsma
Curtin University

Research Engagement for Transforming the World of Work: Initiatives and Publication Strategies

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Karina Jorritsma is the Professor of Practice at Curtin University’s Future of Work Institute, a recently established Research Institute which promotes productive and meaningful work as essential foundations of a healthy economy and society. Her main objective in this role is to foster new ways for academia and industry to interact, aligning both with the University’s focus on balancing researcher-led and industry demand-driven research and an increased focus on non-academic impact. Karina’s background is as an applied organisational psychology researcher working in non-traditional academic roles. She holds over 20 years of experience in successfully bringing together academic thinking across disciplines and working with industry stakeholders to address critical workplace challenges. In her career to date, she has successfully contributed to, or led, more than 100 multidisciplinary projects with many high-profile clients in both the public and private sectors and across a wide range of industries, including health care, mining, aviation, fire and emergency services, law enforcement, and the Royal Australian Navy, including more than 80 industry-funded University research projects totalling more than $15 million. In recent years, Karina’s applied research has had a particular focus on employee well-being. Karina currently leads the Future of Work Institute’s Thrive at Work initiative, an award-winning, partially WA State-funded employee well-being initiative centred on providing organisations with the knowledge and tools to design, implement and sustain healthy, high-performing work environments. She also leads the Future of Work Institute’s Work Systems Design research stream. This stream seeks to optimise the performance and wellbeing of humans in complex human-machine systems, and includes amongst other projects, a long-term research partnership with the Australian Defence Force to optimise crew endurance on Australia’s future submarine platform.