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D1 D1 (2.5h workshop)

Track D (Wattle Level 2)
Thursday, October 24, 2024
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Stream D | Wattle Room (level 2)


Best Practices in Designing Leadership Development Programs for Organisational Impact. (Darja Kragt , Shannon Butcher)


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Dr Darja Kragt
University Of Western Australia

Best Practices in Designing Leadership Development Programs for Organisational Impact

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM


Leadership development programs (LDPs) are critical for any organisation's success. Despite extensive research delving into their efficacy concerning individual, group, and organisational dynamics (Lacerenza et al., 2017), recent inquiries among HR professionals who spearhead LDP initiatives reveal persistent gaps in comprehending optimal methodologies and using the latest research (Kragt, 2024). This science-practice gap potentially undermines the intended outcomes of LDPs, as evidenced by a disconcerting statistic from a recent DDI survey (2023) where 76% of leaders rated LDPs as low quality.
To address this pressing need for better understanding and execution of LDPs, this interactive workshop offers a multifaceted approach, amalgamating diverse perspectives crucial for informed LDP design and delivery. Participants will gain insights from empirical research on LDP effectiveness, adult development and adult learning theories. The workshop will explore the intriguing role that beliefs about leadership and leadership development play in the success of LDPs, helping participants to develop a stronger understanding of how perceptions often stand in the way of effective design and implementation.
The workshop serves as a comprehensive guide, elucidating five essential components for achieving desired LDP outcomes: strategy, design, assessment, evaluation, and systems. Through interactive sessions and collaborative activities, participants will delve into each component, unravelling the intricacies that underpin successful LDP implementation.
First, strategy delves into the overarching vision and goals driving LDPs, exploring how aligning these initiatives with organisational objectives fosters synergy and maximises impact. Then, the discussion shifts towards design, unpacking the intricacies of crafting tailored LDPs that resonate with diverse learner profiles and organisational contexts.
Next, the discussion of assessments includes the tools and frameworks necessary to gauge the effectiveness of LDPs, thereby enabling iterative refinement and optimisation. Concurrently, discussing best evaluation practices equips participants with the skill set to conduct robust pre- and post-program evaluations, ensuring that LDPs remain agile and responsive to evolving organisational needs.
Lastly, the workshop delves into the systemic considerations inherent in sustaining a culture of leadership development within organisations. Participants will explore strategies for fostering a conducive environment that nurtures continuous growth and development among leaders at all levels.
Through this workshop, participants will gain a nuanced understanding of the intricate ecosystem underpinning LDPs and acquire actionable insights to elevate the quality and impact of LDPs within their respective organisations. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, this workshop endeavours to empower participants to navigate the complexities of LDPs with confidence and proficiency.

Learning outcomes

1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the five essential components—strategy, design, assessment, evaluation, and systems—required for effective leadership development programs (LDPs).
2. Acquire practical skills and tools for designing, implementing, and evaluating LDPs that align with organisational goals.
3. Develop the ability to critically analyse and address gaps between current LDP practices and research insights, enabling participants to identify areas for improvement.


Dr Darja is a Leadership Scientist and founder of The Leading Lab, a boutique leadership development consultancy. She also lectures in work psychology at the University of Western Australia. She has completed a doctoral degree in leadership development at UWA Business School and two Master's degrees in International Management and Business research at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Her research has been published in highly-ranked, peer-reviewed journals. Dr Darja is passionate about helping individuals and organisations to develop more effective and inclusive leadership. Her unique strengths as a leadership development professional are an excellent understanding of research evidence and the ability to translate these insights into specific and effective practices. Dr Darja is a strong advocate for a research-based approach. She actively disseminates the latest research findings in leadership and work psychology. Darja has designed and facilitated dozens of leadership development workshops and programs for professionals, MBAs and executives.
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Ms Shannon Butcher
University of Western Australia

Best Practices in Designing Leadership Development Programs for Organisational Impact

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM


Shannon is an experienced Organisational Psychologist and the Deputy Director of the Industrial and Organisational Psychology Master’s program at the University of Western Australia. Shannon lectures across the UWA Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology and Business Psychology Programs. She is a member of the Australian Psychology Society (MAPS), a member of the National Executive Committee of Organisational Psychologists (COP) and the Chair of the Perth Learning Professionals. Shannon is registered with the Psychology Board of Australia to provide supervision to registered psychologists for endorsement and provides supervision to provisionally registered masters students completing placements. Shannon has an extensive industry background as a practitioner across the private, government and not for profit sectors and industries including insurance and finance, mining, oil and gas, health and education. Specialising in team and individual development, performance improvement, change management and the design and delivery of training. She is particularly passionate about designing work that helps employees, organisations and industry to thrive. Possessing strong problem solving and diagnostic skills, she employs strategic interventions based on psychological theory to assist organisations to effectively develop performance driven cultures consistent with today's operating environment.